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Archivo: Flag of Serbia and Montenegro; Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003)

Enciclopedia para niños
Archivo original(archivo SVG, nominalmente 1200 × 600 píxeles, tamaño de archivo: 234 bytes)

Descripción: Flag of Serbia and Montenegro, was adopted on 27 April 1992, as flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-2003).
Título: Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992–2006)
Créditos: Trabajo propio
Autor(a): See File history below for details. (
Permiso: This image is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Serbia and Montenegro ("Службени гласник СЦГ", бр. 61/2004), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is: Law, sub-law act or other kind of law act. Official materials of state authorities or materials published by any other person or institution which do public function. Official translations of materials of state authorities or translation of materials published by any other person or institution which do public function. Any of acts in judgment processes." A source should be included so that the status can be verified. This federal law applies for both republics, Serbia and Montenegro, as long as they do not adopt own inherent laws.
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No

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