Archivo: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas (1883) (14782719645)

Descripción: Identifier: mexicotodaycount00brocuoft (find matches) Title: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas Year: 1883 (1880s) Authors: Brocklehurst, Thomas Unett Subjects: Mexico -- Antiquities Mexico -- Description and travel Publisher: London, Murray Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ent band ofmusic in the gardens of the Plaza. I broke through therestaurant rules to some extent by demanding dinner at six orseven; and, when I had succeeded in making the waitersunderstand my wants, was very pleasantly and civilly suppliedwith * quelque chose rechauffee. The Hotel Gillow is on the handsome new street Cinco deMayo; it seemed to be managed by two or three Spaniards, andthe rooms were not so clean as we English are accustomed todesire. There was no woman throughout the whole establish-ment, or certain little matters might have been better attendedto. I made a visit of inspection to the other hotels to ascertainif I could improve my quarters, having friends staying at mostof them, and, after hearing the remarks of mis amigos I found achange might only lead out of the frying pan into the fire.So after I got Santiago to take the dirty old carpets andgorgeous, but rickety, chairs out of my rooms, and paid some-thing extra to have the floors washed with good strong soap and Text Appearing After Image: a. OO >< u3 < CHAP. in. EMPEROR ITURBIDE. 21 soda, I made up my mind that my little parlour and bedroomwere about as clean as they looked; and when, after a struggleI was provided with a hip bath, I did not begrudge the threeMexican dollars per night that I was compelled to pay for thispalatial accommodation; the hotel people probably considered memad, but that was of little consequence; it only prepared themfor my future vagaries. The hotel and boarding-house accommodation of the city isbarely sufficient for the present influx of American visitors; andshould a gentleman desire to visit the city with his wife andfamily, it would be well to secure rooms beforehand by telegramor letter. The principal hotel is the Iturbide, an immense four-storied palace, with three or four patios or courts. It is in theStreet of San Francisco, and takes its name from having been theprivate residence of the Emperor Iturbide, who ruled in 1822. Up to a certain point in his career, Iturbide was a Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas (1883) (14782719645)
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