Archivo: Whitlockite-5b-whitlockite
Descripción: Whitlockite Locality: Palermo No. 1 Mine (Palermo #1 pegmatite), Groton, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA (Locality at Size: large cabinet, 16 x 15 x 13 cm Whitlockite This huge specimen is probably the richest whitlockite specimen extent, for good quality, according to Whitmore and several people I consulted. He recovered it himself over 20 years ago from a small pocket in the mine he owns. It has great coverage and richness, but what really makes it notable are the huge, unusually well-developed crystals to nearly 1 centimeter. Most of the major crystals are clustered around one protected pocket, as well. Whitlockite is a very interesting species at the moment as some "whitlockites" have proven to be the new species Bobdownsite - this, however, is thought to remain a whitlockite. Pen shown for scale. Ex. Robert Whitmore Collection.
Título: Whitlockite-5b-whitlockite
Créditos: Image:, Description:
Autor(a): Robert M. Lavinsky
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 3.0
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