Archivo: Wallace-Dunlop photo Sept 1901
Descripción: Marion Wallace Dunlop (22 December 1864 – 12 September 1942) was a noted artist and author. She was the first and one of the most well known British suffragettes to go on hunger strike, on 5 July 1909, after being arrested in July 1909 for militancy.[1] She was at the centre of the Women's Social and Political Union who campaigned by Emmeline Pankhurst to be remembered. She was one of her pallbearers and she looked after Emmeline's adopted daughter.
Título: Wallace-Dunlop photo Sept 1901
Autor(a): Marion Wallace Dunlop (22 December 1864 – 12 September 1942)
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No
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