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Archivo: USN F-class submarines;h63259

Enciclopedia para niños
USN_F-class_submarines;h63259.jpg(740 × 271 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 76 KB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripción: United States Navy's four F-class submarines and their crews at Honolulu, Hawaii. These boats are (from front to back): USS F-4 (SS-23), USS F-2 (SS-21), USS F-3 (SS-22), and USS F-1 (SS-20). The U.S. Army Transport Dix is in the background. Note the "fish" flags and 13-star "boat" ensigns flown by these submarines.
Título: USN F-class submarines;h63259
Créditos: U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Photo #: NH 63259
Autor(a): Photographed by Noggle
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
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