Archivo: Trial of John Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, 1986 Dan Hadani Archive
Descripción: Demjaniuk trials opens at the District Court in East Jerusalem. "I am not Ivan the Terribile" - claims Demjaniuk. "I am innocent! They want to hang me! John Demjaniuk shouted in Ukrainian as he went on trial in Jerusalem for his alleged role in the murder of 850,000 Jews. According to the charge sheet, the Ukrainian-born Denjaniuk was recruit into the SS auxilaries during Warld War II and was stationed at the Treblinka death camp, where he allegedly forced Jews into the gas chambers. He also allegedly tortured prisoners and earned the name "Ivan the terrible "for his cruelty.". Photo shows: John Demjaniuk brought to Court.
Título: Trial of John Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, 1986
Créditos: This image is available from National Library of Israel under the digital ID. 004025780 (990040257800205171)
Autor(a): Efi Sharir
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Licencia: CC BY 4.0
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