Archivo: The people's war book; history, cyclopaedia and chronology of the great world war (1919) (14781722232)

Descripción: Identifier: peopleswarbookhi00mill (find matches) Title: The people's war book; history, cyclopaedia and chronology of the great world war Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Miller, J. Martin (James Martin), b. 1859 Canfield, Harry S. (from old catalog), joint author Plewman, William Rothwell, 1880- (from old catalog) Foch, Ferdinand, 1851-1929 Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945 United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson) Subjects: World War, 1914-1918 World War, 1914-1918 Publisher: Cleveland, O., The R.C. Barnum co. Detroit, Mich., The F.B. Dickerson co. (etc., etc.) Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: paign was ended by the revolution. Gallipoli—This is a narrow peninsula north ofthe Dardanelles to which it is the strategic key.A naval demonstration with heavy losses proveda failure. Allied forces were landed in April 1915 in an attempt to force the Straits. Thelanding cost heavily. The Allies began to ad-vance on April 2 8th. They began siege operationsagainst the intrenched Turco-German forces onMay 11th but these were a failure, as was alsoa flank attack in August at Subla. In January 1916 the campaign was abandoned. Gas Warfare—Poisonous or asphyxiating gaseswere introduced by the Germans during the en-gagement near Yjft-es on April 2 2nd, 1915. Thegases were generated in grenades, bombs and oth-er apparatuses and allowed to drift with favorablewinds into the trenches of the Allies. GeneralFrench says that a week eariler the Germans hadfalsely announced that the British were usingasphyxiating gases. The use of gas in explosiveshells later became general. WAR CYCLOPAEDIA 417 Text Appearing After Image: Trophifs of the war. Snipers suit and observation post made in metal to represent the stump of atree. An iron ladder runs up the inside, and from there the sniper picks off anyoneshowing his head above the trench. 418 THE PEOPLES WAR BOOK German Colonies—Before the war Germanyscolonial possessions contained more than 1,000,-000 square miles. In West Africa Germany hadKamerun containing 191,000 square miles and apopulation of 4,500,000. Germany also had Ger-man East Africa with 400,000 square miles and apopulation of 6,850,000, and German SouthwestAfrica with 3^0,000 square miles and a populationof 200,000. German Empire—Composed of twenty-five stateson the Reichsland (Alsace-Lorraine). Berlin isthe capital. At the outbreak of the war the areawas 208,825 square miles and the population 67,-810,000. The separate states had a measure oflocal self government. William the Second tookthe Throne June 15th, 1888. Helgoland—This island is one-fifth of a squaremile in area and in 1900 had Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: The people's war book; history, cyclopaedia and chronology of the great world war (1919) (14781722232)
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