Archivo: The Roycroft books; a catalog and some comment concerning the shop and workers at East Aurora, N.Y (1900) (14793308813)

Descripción: Identifier: roycroftbookscat00royc (find matches) Title: The Roycroft books; a catalog and some comment concerning the shop and workers at East Aurora, N.Y Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Roycroft Shop Subjects: Catalogs, Publishers' -- United States Publisher: (East Aurora) Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: e the above men-tioned booklets in paper covers, may, if theychoose, return the loose numbers to us by mailwith remittance of one dollar and fifty cents, forbinding, and the volume will go forward. THE ROYCROFTERS,East Aurora, N. Y. A MESSAGETO GARCIA First printed in the PHILISTINE forMarch, 1899, caused the edition to be ex-hausted within three days after publica-tion. It was then reissued by Mr. GeorgeH. Daniels of the New York Central Rail-road, who has issued over a million copiesof the preachment. A close calculationshows it has been reprinted about elevenmillion times. It has been translated andpublished in six different languages. Thereare still calls for the booklet, and we havethem, on Holland hand-made paper, withone illumined initial, price loc each, or inquantities, say ten dollars per hundred. Afew copies numbered and signed by theauthor, bound in limp chamois, satin-lined,illumined title-page, one dollar per copy.Address the Bursar of THE ROYCROFT SHOPEast Aurora, N. Y. Text Appearing After Image: In the Mailing Department. LITTLE to the T)omcQ of JOURNEYS mzjyoKS VOLUME VII—NEW SERIES THIS book is the second volume of the JOUR-NEYS issued by the Roycrofters, and theedition is NOW READY ti^ The book containsthe following numbers: THOS. B. MACAULAY ROBERT SOUTHEY LORD BYRON SAML T. COLERIDGE JOSEPH ADDISON BENJAMIN DISRAELI Portraits in photogravure on Japan paper of eachsubject, text on Roycroft water-mark, hand-madepaper, initials & title page hand illumined, boundin limp chamois—silk lined, gilt top. Edition lim-ited to one thousand copies, numbered & signedby the author. Price of volume is Three Dollars.Subscribers who already have the above men-tioned booklets in paper covers, may, if theychoose, return the loose numbers to us by mailwith remittance of one dollar and fifty cents, forbinding, and thfe volume will go forward. THE^ ROYCROFTERS, Bast Aurora, N. Y. AT the AUCTION SALE, held in-^^ New York, March 1900, of the Library of the late Augustin Daly, ROYCROF Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: The Roycroft books; a catalog and some comment concerning the shop and workers at East Aurora, N.Y (1900) (14793308813)
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Autor(a): Internet Archive Book Images
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