Archivo: The Negro in Chicago; a study of race relations and a race riot (1922) (14597949190)

Descripción: Identifier: negroinchicagost00chic_0 (find matches) Title: The Negro in Chicago; a study of race relations and a race riot Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: Chicago Commission on Race Relations Subjects: African Americans Race riots Publisher: Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago Press Contributing Library: Wellesley College Library Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ds and smoking gun barrels have almost wTrested the rule from the keepersof the peace. It is worse than a calamity, this race rioting. It is a deadly, ghastly scourge, adire contagion that is sweeping through a community for no reason except that mobviolence is contagious. It is up to the cool-headed men of Chicago to settle the great difficulty. It is upto the serious-minded business men of the city to get together and find a solution to aproblem which has become so serious. To meet violence with violence is but making matters worse. Gun toting at atime like this only adds fuel to the fire already raging. Reason is the solution. It is mightier than the six-gun. How it is to be exertedis for the level-headed citizenry to decide, and decide at once. Hardly an hour passes that more names are not added to the already long list ofslain in the South Side rioting. There is no time to be lost. Other matters must be put aside for the momentand a solution reached for Chicagos greatest problem. Text Appearing After Image: BUYING ICE FROM FREIGHT CAR SWITCHED INTO XEGRO RESIDENCE AREA THE CHICAGO RIOT 45 Labor unions also took a hand in the efforts toward peace. Unionists ofboth races were exhorted to co-operate in bringing about harmonious relations,and meetings for this purpose were planned by trade-union leaders, asdescribed in the section of this report dealing with the Negro in industry.Probably the most effective effort of union labor was the following articlein the New Majority, the organ of the Chicago Federation of Labor, promi-nently displayed: For White Union Men to Read Let any white union worker who has ever been on strike where gunmen or machinegun have been brought in and turned on him and his fellows search his memory andrecall how he felt. In this critical moment let every union man remember the tacticsof the boss in a strike when he tries by shooting to terrorize striking workers intoviolence to protect themselves. Well, that is how the Negroes feel. They are panic-stricken over the pr Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: The Negro in Chicago; a study of race relations and a race riot (1922) (14597949190)
Créditos: Source book page:
Autor(a): Chicago Commission on Race Relations
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