Archivo: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements (1917) (14780590225)

Description: Identifier: philadelphiaguid00john (find matches) Title: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: John Wanamaker (Firm) Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, J. Wanamaker Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ls attend school for several hours each day, and there are alsoevening classes for those older. All this training is practically free, the occasional expense for booksand items for personal use being small, and no pay being lost for thetime spent in school. Many boys and girls grow up in the business,getting their whole higher education while they are earning. Social clubsand entertainments add a healthy note of recreation, and matters ofhealth and hygiene are carefully watched by a competent medical staff,whose services are free. Interest in music is fostered by singing classes, a military band anda choral society. The military organization of the boys has six companies,forming the First Regiment, J. W. C. I., and drilled according to UnitedStates Army regulations. Athletic activity among the girls consists chieflyof basket-ball and tennis matches. The Store athletic association—theMeadowbrook Club—has a running track and game courts on the roofof the Store, with shower baths. 26 Text Appearing After Image: The Grand Court in the Wanamaker Store, Philadelphia, showing theBeautiful Facade of the Organ at the South End. 27 PHILADELPHIACHURCHES PHILADELPHIAhas more thanseven hundredchurches, repre- senting over forty denomi-nations and societies. Manyof these are well worthvisiting. HISTORIC CHURCHES Old Swedes (see page 9).Christ Church (see page 8).St. Peters, at Third and Pine Streets.St. Pauls, Third Street below Walnut. MODERN CHURCHES Roman Catholic — TheCathedral of St. Peterand St. Paid, LoganSquare.St. John the Evangelist,Thirteenth below Mar-ket Street.Baptist—First, Seventeenthbelow Chestnut Street.Fifth, Eighteenth and Spring Garden Streets.Chestnut Street, Fortiethand Chestnut Streets.Church of the Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Temple, Broad and Berks Square, corner of Nineteenth and Walnut. Streets. Presbyterian—First, Seventh and Locust Streets. The first organized inPennsylvania (1698).Second, Twenty-first and Walnut Streets, a famous church, the organi-zation dating from Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements (1917) (14780590225)
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