Archivo: Opinion polling for the Dutch general election, 2017 stacked
Descripción: The seat projections in the stacked graph are continuous from September 2012 (the last general election) up to the current date. Each colored line specifies a political party; numbers on the y-axis represent numbers of seats. These seat estimates are based off of data from Peilingwijzer, which is not strictly a polling average but a model using polls conducted by I&O Research, Ipsos, TNS NIPO, LISS panel, Peil, and De Stemming to calculate the trajectory of party support. VVD PvdA PVV SP CDA D66 CU GL SGP PvdD 50+ VNL DENK FvD PPNL
Título: Opinion polling for the Dutch general election, 2017 stacked
Créditos: Peilingwijzer, Tom Louwerse, Universiteit Leiden
Autor(a): Mélencron
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 4.0
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