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Archivo: Oliverhpcowdery

Enciclopedia para niños
Oliverhpcowdery.jpg(372 × 95 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 11 KB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripción: Sigunature of Oliver Cowdery, who was an important participant in the formative period of the Latter Day Saint movement between 1829 and 1836. He became one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon's golden plates, one of the first Latter Day Saint apostles, and the Second Elder of the church.
Título: Oliverhpcowdery
Créditos: Oliver Cowdery
Autor(a): Oliver Cowdery
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No

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