Archivo: Nested set V4; elements in Hasse diagram
Descripción: The elements of V4 - respectively the subsets of V3 - ordered in a Hasse diagram by inclusion. V4 = P^4({}) = P( P( P(P({})))) is the powerset of the power set of the power set of the power set of the empty set. As many brackets are usually hard to understand, the sets are defined by circles instead of brackets. The circle containing nothing stands for the empty set. The universe (the thing all shown sets are a subset from) in this Hasse diagram is P^3({}) and expressed in set brackets it looks like this: { {} , {{}} , {{{}}} , {{},{{}}} } This system of sets can be used for a set theoretic definition of Boolean functions.
Título: Nested set V4; elements in Hasse diagram
Créditos: Trabajo propio
Autor(a): Watchduck You can name the author as "T. Piesk", "Tilman Piesk" or "Watchduck".
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
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