robot de la enciclopedia para niños

Archivo: Long beach3

Enciclopedia para niños
Archivo original(1200 × 685 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 1,11 MB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Description: Downtown Long Beach At night
Title: Long beach3
Credit: Own work
Author: himefrias
Permission: The copyright holder of this work allows anyone to use it for any purpose including unrestricted redistribution, commercial use, and modification. Please check the source to verify that this is correct. In particular, note that publication on the Internet, like publication by any other means, does not in itself imply permission to redistribute. Files without valid permission should be tagged with {{subst:npd}}. Usage notes: • If the work requires attribution, use Plantilla:Attribution instead • If this is your own work, please use Plantilla:Cc-zero instead Copyrighted free use // }
Usage Terms: Copyrighted free use
License: Copyrighted free use
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