Archivo: Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. The results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, including an autobiography of the (14776640805)

Descripción: Identifier: ilioscitycountry00schl_0 (find matches) Title: Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. The results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, including an autobiography of the author Year: 1880 (1880s) Authors: Schliemann, Heinrich, 1822-1890 Virchow, Rudolf, 1821-1902 Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max), 1823-1900 Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry), 1845-1933 Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland), 1839-1919 Brugsch, Heinrich, 1827-1894 Ascherson, Paul, 1834-1913 Postolakas, Achilles Burnouf, Emile, 1821-1907 Calvert, Frank Dufield, Alexander James, 1821-90 Subjects: Archaeology Publisher: New York: Harper & Bros Contributing Library: Getty Research Institute Digitizing Sponsor: Getty Research Institute View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ns in thisdirection have now been carried on systematically, chronological con-clusions may be drawn with the greatest precision from the accumulationof the debris, which show in the vertical trenches a series of stratifica-tions lying the one upon the other, and falling off obliquely. Such con-clusions could hardly have been arrived at, if the strata, which lie oneupon the other, but do not always continue on the same level, had beensimply taken off in succession. Near the surface, we see in one place the foundations of the temple,in another the wall composed of regular layers of wrought stones of theAlexandrian time, the so-called wall of Lysimachus. Its situation ishighly characteristic. In the vertical trenches made through the outer 64 NARRATIVE OF WORK AT TROY. (LSTROD. circumference of the hill may be seen successive slanting layers of debris,from which it may easily be perceived that the debris had been thrownover the slope of the hill. On these accumulations the wall has been Text Appearing After Image: erected :8 it does not stand upon the primitive rock, but on the materialwhich has been thrown down sideways, and indeed in places where there 8 See the Section given in the chapter on the Greek Ilium. 1879.) YIRCIIOW OX THE EXCAVATIONS. 65 is no rock at all below. It may thus be understood that the surface ofthe hill has manifestly increased in width from settlement to settlement.The circumference of the hill went on continually enlarging in the courseof time. In this way it has increased to dimensions which, in height as wellas in width, very far exceed those of the burnt city. This latter forms,in the midst of the whole, a proportionately small central part. Thesuccessive cities became continually larger and larger, and extended theirradius. Our attention was first called to this by our own work in orderto bring to light the burnt city. The debris was taken out from themidst, and carried to the side; but as the slope was here, it was carriedthrough a trench, which had been cut radi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. The results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, including an autobiography of the (14776640805)
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