Archivo: Hokkaidō géolocalisation

Description: Blank map of Hokkaido, for geolocalisation purpose.
Title: Hokkaidō géolocalisation
Credit: Création personnelle ; Coast, lakes, boundaries / Côtes, lacs, frontières : données de la carte © les contributeurs d'OpenStreetMap, CC-BY-SA Openstreetmap via Cloudmade ; River : USGS HYDRO1k Other symbols / autres symboles provenant de File:Maps template-fr.svg Software / logiciels utilisés (méthode décrite dans ce didacticiel) : Visualization software 3DEM ; Quantum GIS ; Inkscape ;
Author: © Bourrichon (talk) - fr:Bourrichon
Permission: Attribution and Share-Alike required Any use of this image can be made as long as you credit me (Wikimedia Commons user: Bourrichon) as the author and distribute the copies and derivative works under the same license(s) that the one(s) stated below. A message with a reply address would also be greatly appreciated.
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 fr
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 fr
License Link:
Attribution Required?: Yes