Archivo: Heterodontosaurus skull in okklusion and moderate gape
Descripción: Original description: Relative position of the lower jaw in Heterodontosaurus tucki from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot and Clarens formations of South Africa. Position of the lower jaw during occlusion (A) and moderate gape (B) as seen in left lateral view of a cast of the cranium and lower jaws of adult specimen SAM-PK-K1332. Scale bar equals 2 cm.
Título: Heterodontosaurus skull in okklusion and moderate gape
Créditos: Sereno PC (2012) Taxonomy, morphology, masticatory function and phylogeny of heterodontosaurid dinosaurs. ZooKeys 226: 1-225. doi:10.3897/zookeys.226.2840. ([1])
Autor(a): Paul C. Sereno
Permiso: This image is uploaded as part of a collaboration between Wikispecies and ZooKeys
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Licencia: CC BY 3.0
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