Archivo: Digits in largest prime by year
Descripción: Graph of the number of digits in largest known prime by year in the electronic era.
Título: Digits in largest prime by year
Créditos: Mathematica source code: points = {{1952, 157}, {1952, 687}, {1957, 969}, {1961, 1281}, {1961, 1332}, {1963, 2917}, {1963, 3376}, {1971, 6002}, {1978, 6533}, {1979, 6987}, {1979, 13395}, {1982, 25962}, {1983, 39751}, {1985, 65050}, {1989, 65087}, {1992, 227832}, {1994, 258716}, {1996, 378632}, {1996, 420921}, {1997, 895932}, {1998, 909526}, {1999, 2098960}, {2001, 4053946}, {2003, 6320430}, {2004, 7235733}, {2005, 7816230}, {2005, 9152052}, {2006, 9808358}, {2008, 12978189}}; ListLogPlot[points, Joined -> True, Frame -> True, GridLines -> {Table[1960 + 10 i, {i, 0, 6}], Table[10^i, {i, 3, 7}]}, GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.5], Dashed], PlotRange -> {{1950, 2010}, {100, 11^7}}, ImageSize -> 500] After saving the image as an SVG from Mathematica, edit the raw SVG text by adding "width='500' height='306'" to the end of the SVG tag.
Autor(a): Self
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 3.0
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