Archivo: Cofeb y Chwarelwyr - Quarrymen's Memorial at Allt-Ddu - - 292044
Descripción: Cofeb y Chwarelwyr - Quarrymen's Memorial at Allt-Ddu The poet who composed the 'englyn' to celebrate the slate quarrymen is a descendant of one of the families of Cornish miners who came into the area towards the end of the eighteenth century and were to introduce the use of explosives into the slate industry. Other Cornish settling families included the Plemings, the Weldons and the Salts. These are surnames still found in the former slate villages.
Título: Cofeb y Chwarelwyr - Quarrymen's Memorial at Allt-Ddu - - 292044
Créditos: From
Autor(a): Eric Jones
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 2.0
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