Archivo: Alma Whiffen Barksdale (1916-1981) - Smithsonian Institution Archives
Descripción: After earning Ph.D. in botany from University of North Carolina, Alma Whiffen Barksdale (1916-1981) worked as a mycologist at The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, where she discovered cycloheximide, an anti-fungal agent widely used on golf courses and cherry orchards. She later worked as a senior botanist at the New York Botanical Garden, 1952-1975
Título: Barksdale, Alma Whiffen 1916-1981 University of North Carolina (1793-1962) Upjohn Company New York Botanical Garden
Créditos: Alma Whiffen Barksdale (1916-1981) Persistent URL:Link to data base record
Autor(a): Smithsonian Institution from United States
Permiso: Smithsonian Institution @ Flickr Commons
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