robot de la enciclopedia para niños

Anexo:Localidades de Nueva Jersey para niños

Enciclopedia para niños
Archivo:Map of New Jersey municipalities
Mapa de las 566 municipalidades del estado de Nueva Jersey

Esta lista comprende a todas las localidades en el estado estadounidense de Nueva Jersey, en la que incluye a las 52 ciudades (city), 254 boroughs, 221 lugares designados por el censo (CDP), 15 pueblos (town) y 3 villas (village) con los datos del Censo de 2010 ordenados en orden alfabético:


Archivo:Map of USA highlighting New Jersey
Mapa de EE. UU. & Nueva Jersey
Archivo:NewarkNJ 7 2010
Newark, ciudad más grande en Nueva Jersey
Archivo:One State Street Square
Trenton, Capital de Nueva Jersey
Puesto Nombre Entidad Censo de 2010
1 Absecon ciudad 8411
2 Allamuchy CDP 78
3 Allendale borough 6505
4 Allenhurst borough 496
5 Allentown borough 1828
6 Allenwood CDP 925
7 Alloway CDP 1402
8 Alpha borough 2369
9 Alpine borough 1849
10 Anderson CDP 342
11 Andover borough 606
12 Annandale CDP 1695
13 Asbury CDP 273
14 Asbury Park ciudad 16116
15 Ashland CDP 8302
16 Atlantic City ciudad 39558
17 Atlantic Highlands borough 4385
18 Audubon borough 8819
19 Audubon Park borough 1023
20 Avalon borough 1334
21 Avenel CDP 17011
22 Avon-by-the-Sea borough 1901
23 Barclay CDP 4428
24 Barnegat CDP 2817
25 Barnegat Light borough 574
26 Barrington borough 6983
27 Bay Head borough 968
28 Bayonne ciudad 63024
29 Beach Haven borough 1170
30 Beach Haven West CDP 3896
31 Beachwood borough 11045
32 Beattystown CDP 4554
33 Beckett CDP 4847
34 Belford CDP 1768
35 Belle Mead CDP 216
36 Belleplain CDP 597
37 Bellmawr borough 11583
38 Belmar borough 5794
39 Belvidere pueblo 2681
40 Bergenfield borough 26764
41 Berlin borough 7588
42 Bernardsville borough 7707
43 Beverly ciudad 2577
44 Blackwells Mills CDP 803
45 Blackwood CDP 4545
46 Blairstown CDP 515
47 Blawenburg CDP 280
48 Bloomingdale borough 7656
49 Bloomsbury borough 870
50 Bogota borough 8187
51 Boonton pueblo 8347
52 Bordentown ciudad 3924
53 Bound Brook borough 10402
54 Bradley Beach borough 4298
55 Bradley Gardens CDP 14206
56 Brainards CDP 202
57 Branchville borough 841
58 Brass Castle CDP 1555
59 Bridgeton ciudad 25349
60 Bridgeville CDP 106
61 Brielle borough 4774
62 Brigantine ciudad 9450
63 Broadway CDP 244
64 Brookdale CDP 9239
65 Brookfield CDP 675
66 Brooklawn borough 1955
67 Browns Mills CDP 11223
68 Brownville CDP 2383
69 Budd Lake CDP 8968
70 Buena borough 4603
71 Burleigh CDP 725
72 Burlington ciudad 9920
73 Butler borough 7539
74 Buttzville CDP 146
75 Byram Center CDP 90
76 Caldwell borough 7822
77 Califon borough 1076
78 Camden ciudad 77344
79 Cape May ciudad 3607
80 Cape May Court House CDP 5338
81 Cape May Point borough 291
82 Carlstadt borough 6127
83 Carneys Point CDP 7382
84 Carteret borough 22844
85 Cedar Glen Lakes CDP 1421
86 Cedar Glen West CDP 1267
87 Cedarville CDP 776
88 Chatham borough 8962
89 Cherry Hill Mall CDP 14171
90 Chesilhurst borough 1634
91 Chester borough 1649
92 Clayton borough 8179
93 Clearbrook Park CDP 2667
94 Clementon borough 5000
95 Cliffside Park borough 23594
96 Cliffwood Beach CDP 3194
97 Clifton ciudad 84136
98 Clinton pueblo 2719
99 Closter borough 8373
100 Clyde CDP 213
101 Collings Lakes CDP 1706
102 Collingswood borough 13926
103 Colonia CDP 17795
104 Columbia CDP 229
105 Concordia CDP 3092
106 Corbin City ciudad 492
107 Country Lake Estates CDP 3943
108 Cranbury CDP 2181
109 Crandon Lakes CDP 1178
110 Cresskill borough 8573
111 Crestwood Village CDP 7907
112 Dayton CDP 7063
113 Deal borough 750
114 Delaware CDP 150
115 Delaware Park CDP 700
116 Demarest borough 4881
117 Diamond Beach CDP 136
118 Dover pueblo 18157
119 Dover Beaches North CDP 1239
120 Dover Beaches South CDP 1209
121 Dumont borough 17479
122 Dunellen borough 7227
123 East Franklin CDP 8669
124 East Freehold CDP 4894
125 East Millstone CDP 579
126 East Newark borough 2406
127 East Orange ciudad 64270
128 East Rocky Hill CDP 469
129 East Rutherford borough 8913
130 Eatontown borough 12709
131 Echelon CDP 10743
132 Edgewater borough 11513
133 Egg Harbor City ciudad 4243
134 Elizabeth ciudad 124969
135 Ellisburg CDP 4413
136 Elmer borough 1395
137 Elmwood Park borough 19403
138 Elwood CDP 1437
139 Emerson borough 7401
140 Englewood ciudad 27147
141 Englewood Cliffs borough 5281
142 Englishtown borough 1847
143 Erma CDP 2134
144 Essex Fells borough 2113
145 Estell Manor ciudad 1735
146 Fair Haven borough 6121
147 Fair Lawn borough 32457
148 Fairton CDP 1264
149 Fairview borough 13835
150 Fairview CDP 3806
151 Fanwood borough 7318
152 Far Hills borough 919
153 Farmingdale borough 1329
154 Fieldsboro borough 540
155 Finderne CDP 5600
156 Finesville CDP 175
157 Flemington borough 4581
158 Florence CDP 4426
159 Florham Park borough 11696
160 Folsom borough 1885
161 Fords CDP 15187
162 Forked River CDP 5244
163 Fort Dix CDP 7716
164 Fort Lee borough 35345
165 Franklin borough 5045
166 Franklin Center CDP 4460
167 Franklin Lakes borough 10590
168 Franklin Park CDP 13295
169 Freehold borough 12052
170 Frenchtown borough 1373
171 Garfield ciudad 30487
172 Garwood borough 4226
173 Gibbsboro borough 2274
174 Gibbstown CDP 3739
175 Glassboro borough 18579
176 Glen Gardner borough 1704
177 Glen Ridge borough 7527
178 Glen Rock borough 11601
179 Glendora CDP 4750
180 Gloucester City ciudad 11456
181 Golden Triangle CDP 4145
182 Great Meadows CDP 303
183 Green Knoll CDP 6200
184 Greentree CDP 11367
185 Greenwich CDP 2755
186 Griggstown CDP 819
187 Groveville CDP 2945
188 Guttenberg pueblo 11176
189 Hackensack ciudad 43010
190 Hackettstown pueblo 9724
191 Haddon Heights borough 7473
192 Haddonfield borough 11593
193 Hainesburg CDP 91
194 Haledon borough 8318
195 Hamburg borough 3277
196 Hamilton Square CDP 12784
197 Hammonton pueblo 14791
198 Hampton borough 1401
199 Hancocks Bridge CDP 254
200 Harlingen CDP 297
201 Harmony CDP 441
202 Harrington Park borough 4664
203 Harrison pueblo 13620
204 Harvey Cedars borough 337
205 Hasbrouck Heights borough 11842
206 Haworth borough 3382
207 Hawthorne borough 18791
208 Heathcote CDP 5821
209 Helmetta borough 2178
210 High Bridge borough 3648
211 Highland Lake CDP 4933
212 Highland Park borough 13982
213 Highlands borough 5005
214 Hightstown borough 5494
215 Hillsdale borough 10219
216 Hi-Nella borough 870
217 Hoboken ciudad 50005
218 Ho-Ho-Kus borough 4078
219 Holiday City South CDP 3689
220 Holiday City-Berkeley CDP 12831
221 Holiday Heights CDP 2099
222 Hopatcong borough 15147
223 Hope CDP 195
224 Hopewell borough 1922
225 Hutchinson CDP 135
226 Interlaken borough 820
227 Iselin CDP 18695
228 Island Heights borough 1673
229 Jamesburg borough 5915
230 Jersey City ciudad 247597
231 Johnsonburg CDP 101
232 Juliustown CDP 429
233 Keansburg borough 10105
234 Kearny pueblo 40684
235 Kendall Park CDP 9339
236 Kenilworth borough 7914
237 Kenvil CDP 3009
238 Keyport borough 7240
239 Kingston CDP 1493
240 Kingston Estates CDP 5685
241 Kinnelon borough 10248
242 Lake Como borough 1759
243 Lake Mohawk CDP 9916
244 Lake Telemark CDP 1255
245 Lakehurst borough 2654
246 Lakewood CDP 53805
247 Lambertville ciudad 3906
248 Laurel Lake CDP 2989
249 Laurel Springs borough 1908
250 Laurence Harbor CDP 6536
251 Lavallette borough 1875
252 Lawnside borough 2945
253 Lawrenceville CDP 3887
254 Lebanon borough 1358
255 Leisure Knoll CDP 2490
256 Leisure Village CDP 4400
257 Leisure Village East CDP 4217
258 Leisure Village West CDP 3493
259 Leisuretowne CDP 3582
260 Leonardo CDP 2757
261 Leonia borough 8937
262 Lincoln Park borough 10521
263 Lincroft CDP 6135
264 Linden ciudad 40499
265 Lindenwold borough 17613
266 Linwood ciudad 7092
267 Little Ferry borough 10626
268 Little Silver borough 5950
269 Loch Arbour villa 194
270 Lodi borough 24136
271 Long Branch ciudad 30719
272 Long Valley CDP 1879
273 Longport borough 895
274 Lopatcong Overlook CDP 734
275 Madison borough 15845
276 Madison Park CDP 7144
277 Magnolia borough 4341
278 Manahawkin CDP 2303
279 Manasquan borough 5897
280 Mantoloking borough 296
281 Manville borough 10344
282 Margate City ciudad 6354
283 Marksboro CDP 82
284 Marlton CDP 10133
285 Martinsville CDP 11980
286 Matawan borough 8810
287 Mays Landing CDP 2135
288 Maywood borough 9555
289 McGuire AFB CDP 3710
290 Medford Lakes borough 4146
291 Mendham borough 4981
292 Mercerville CDP 13230
293 Merchantville borough 3821
294 Metuchen borough 13574
295 Middlebush CDP 2326
296 Middlesex borough 13635
297 Midland Park borough 7128
298 Milford borough 1233
299 Millstone borough 418
300 Milltown borough 6893
301 Millville ciudad 28400
302 Monmouth Beach borough 3279
303 Monmouth Junction CDP 2887
304 Montvale borough 7844
305 Moonachie borough 2708
306 Moorestown-Lenola CDP 14217
307 Morganville CDP 5040
308 Morris Plains borough 5532
309 Morristown pueblo 18411
310 Mount Arlington borough 5050
311 Mount Ephraim borough 4676
312 Mount Hermon CDP 141
313 Mountain Lake CDP 575
314 Mountain Lakes borough 4160
315 Mountainside borough 6685
316 Mullica Hill CDP 3982
317 Mystic Island CDP 8493
318 National Park borough 3036
319 Navesink CDP 2020
320 Neptune City borough 4869
321 Netcong borough 3232
322 Nuevo Brunswick ciudad 55181
323 New Egypt CDP 2512
324 New Milford borough 16341
325 New Providence borough 12171
326 New Village CDP 421
327 Newark ciudad 277140
328 Newfield borough 1553
329 Newton pueblo 7997
330 North Arlington borough 15392
331 North Beach Haven CDP 2235
332 North Caldwell borough 6183
333 North Cape May CDP 3226
334 North Haledon borough 8417
335 North Middletown CDP 3295
336 North Plainfield borough 21936
337 North Wildwood ciudad 4041
338 Northfield ciudad 8624
339 Northvale borough 4640
340 Norwood borough 5711
341 Oak Valley CDP 3483
342 Oakhurst CDP 3995
343 Oakland borough 12754
344 Oaklyn borough 4038
345 Ocean Acres CDP 16142
346 Ocean City ciudad 11701
347 Ocean Gate borough 2011
348 Ocean Grove CDP 3342
349 Oceanport borough 5832
350 Ogdensburg borough 2410
351 Old Bridge CDP 23753
352 Old Tappan borough 5750
353 Olivet CDP 1408
354 Oradell borough 7978
355 Oxford CDP 1090
356 Palisades Park borough 19622
357 Palmyra borough 7398
358 Panther Valley CDP 3327
359 Paramus borough 26342
360 Park Ridge borough 8645
361 Passaic ciudad 69781
362 Paterson ciudad 146199
363 Paulsboro borough 6097
364 Peapack and Gladstone borough 2582
365 Pedricktown CDP 524
366 Pemberton borough 1409
367 Pemberton Heights CDP 2423
368 Pennington borough 2585
369 Penns Grove borough 5147
370 Pennsville CDP 11888
371 Perth Amboy ciudad 50814
372 Phillipsburg pueblo 14950
373 Pine Beach borough 2127
374 Pine Hill borough 10233
375 Pine Lake Park CDP 8707
376 Pine Ridge at Crestwood CDP 2369
377 Pine Valley borough 12
378 Pitman borough 9011
379 Plainfield ciudad 49808
380 Plainsboro Center CDP 2712
381 Pleasant Plains CDP 922
382 Pleasantville ciudad 20249
383 Point Pleasant borough 18392
384 Point Pleasant Beach borough 4665
385 Pomona CDP 7124
386 Pompton Lakes borough 11097
387 Port Colden CDP 122
388 Port Monmouth CDP 3818
389 Port Murray CDP 129
390 Port Norris CDP 1377
391 Port Reading CDP 3728
392 Port Republic ciudad 1115
393 Presidential Lakes Estates CDP 2365
394 Princeton borough 12307
395 Princeton Junction CDP 2465
396 Princeton Meadows CDP 13834
397 Prospect Park borough 5865
398 Quinton CDP 588
399 Rahway ciudad 27346
400 Ramblewood CDP 5907
401 Ramsey borough 14473
402 Ramtown CDP 6242
403 Raritan borough 6881
404 Red Bank borough 12206
405 Richwood CDP 3459
406 Ridgefield borough 11032
407 Ridgefield Park villa 12729
408 Ridgewood villa 24958
409 Ringwood borough 12228
410 Rio Grande CDP 2670
411 River Edge borough 11340
412 Riverdale borough 3559
413 Riverton borough 2779
414 Robbinsville CDP 3041
415 Robertsville CDP 11297
416 Rockaway borough 6438
417 Rockleigh borough 531
418 Rocky Hill borough 682
419 Roebling CDP 3715
420 Roosevelt borough 882
421 Roseland borough 5819
422 Roselle borough 21085
423 Roselle Park borough 13297
424 Rosenhayn CDP 1098
425 Ross Corner CDP 13
426 Rossmoor CDP 2666
427 Rumson borough 7122
428 Runnemede borough 8468
429 Rutherford borough 18061
430 Saddle River borough 3152
431 Salem ciudad 5146
432 Sayreville borough 42704
433 Sea Bright borough 1412
434 Sea Girt borough 1828
435 Sea Isle City ciudad 2114
436 Seabrook Farms CDP 1484
437 Seaside Heights borough 2887
438 Seaside Park borough 1579
439 Secaucus pueblo 16264
440 Sewaren CDP 2756
441 Shark River Hills CDP 3697
442 Shiloh borough 516
443 Ship Bottom borough 1156
444 Short Hills CDP 13165
445 Shrewsbury borough 3809
446 Silver Lake CDP 4243
447 Silver Lake CDP 368
448 Silver Ridge CDP 1133
449 Singac CDP 3618
450 Six Mile Run CDP 3184
451 Skillman CDP 242
452 Smithville CDP 7242
453 Society Hill CDP 3829
454 Somerdale borough 5151
455 Somers Point ciudad 10795
456 Somerset CDP 22083
457 Somerville borough 12098
458 South Amboy ciudad 8631
459 South Bound Brook borough 4563
460 South Plainfield borough 23385
461 South River borough 16008
462 South Toms River borough 3684
463 Spotswood borough 8257
464 Spring Lake borough 2993
465 Spring Lake Heights borough 4713
466 Springdale CDP 14518
467 Stanhope borough 3610
468 Stewartsville CDP 349
469 Stockton borough 538
470 Stone Harbor borough 866
471 Stratford borough 7040
472 Strathmere CDP 158
473 Strathmore CDP 7258
474 Succasunna CDP 9152
475 Summit ciudad 21457
476 Surf City borough 1205
477 Sussex borough 2130
478 Swedesboro borough 2584
479 Tavistock borough 5
480 Ten Mile Run CDP 1959
481 Tenafly borough 14488
482 Teterboro borough 67
483 Tinton Falls borough 17892
484 Toms River CDP 88791
485 Totowa borough 10804
486 Trenton ciudad 84913
487 Tuckerton borough 3347
488 Turnersville CDP 3742
489 Twin Rivers CDP 7443
490 Union Beach borough 6245
491 Union City ciudad 66455
492 Upper Montclair CDP 11565
493 Upper Pohatcong CDP 1781
494 Upper Saddle River borough 8208
495 Upper Stewartsville CDP 212
496 Ventnor City ciudad 10650
497 Vernon Center CDP 1713
498 Vernon Valley CDP 1626
499 Victory Gardens borough 1520
500 Victory Lakes CDP 2111
501 Vienna CDP 981
502 Villas CDP 9483
503 Vineland ciudad 60724
504 Vista Center CDP 2095
505 Voorhees CDP 976
506 Waldwick borough 9625
507 Wallington borough 11335
508 Wanamassa CDP 4532
509 Wanaque borough 11116
510 Waretown CDP 1569
511 Washington borough 6461
512 Watchung borough 5801
513 Wenonah borough 2278
514 West Belmar CDP 2493
515 West Cape May borough 1024
516 West Freehold CDP 13613
517 West Long Branch borough 8097
518 West New York pueblo 49708
519 West Wildwood borough 603
520 Westfield pueblo 30316
521 Weston CDP 1235
522 Westville borough 4288
523 Westwood borough 10908
524 Wharton borough 6522
525 White Horse CDP 9494
526 White House Station CDP 2089
527 White Meadow Lake CDP 8836
528 Whitesboro CDP 2205
529 Whittingham CDP 2476
530 Wildwood ciudad 5325
531 Wildwood Crest borough 3270
532 Williamstown CDP 15567
533 Woodbine borough 2472
534 Woodbridge CDP 19265
535 Woodbury ciudad 10174
536 Woodbury Heights borough 3055
537 Woodcliff Lake borough 5730
538 Woodland Park borough 11819
539 Woodlynne borough 2978
540 Wood-Ridge borough 7626
541 Woodstown borough 3505
542 Wrightstown borough 802
543 Yardville CDP 7186
544 Yorketown CDP 6535
545 Zarephath CDP 37

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Kids robot.svg En inglés: List of municipalities in New Jersey Facts for Kids

  • Anexo:Municipios de Nueva Jersey
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Anexo:Localidades de Nueva Jersey para Niños. Enciclopedia Kiddle.