Archivo: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys; nuttalli) Morro Bay, CA 29j (2232004154)

Descripción: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys; nuttalli) Morro Bay, CA 29jan2008 - Photo by Mike Baird Canon 1D Mark III w/ 300mm f/2.8 lens w/ 2X II TE, on monopod braced against a rail of the pond overlook at the Cloister's City Park. this is a crop of Expert Greg Smith (slobirdr) says "The detail in your shot shows the more subtle identification characteristics (length of bill, flank color etc.) which brings this bird to the subspecies level - nuttalli."
Título: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys; nuttalli) Morro Bay, CA 29j (2232004154)
Créditos: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys; nuttalli) Morro Bay, CA 29j
Autor(a): Mike Baird from Morro Bay, USA
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Licencia: CC BY 2.0
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