Archivo: The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect; their history, theology, and literature (1907) (14778588841)

Descripción: Identifier: samaritansearlie00montuoft (find matches) Title: The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect; their history, theology, and literature Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Montgomery, James A. (James Alan), 1866-1949 Subjects: Samaritans Publisher: Philadelphia J.C. Winston Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ctions by 1820.^^ For this period we havethe graphic memoir of the Samaritan refugee, Jacob esh-Shelaby,^^ who records in detail the wretched plight of theSamaritans. Because of the notoriously violent characterof the Muslim population of Nablus, it has been the customof the Ottoman government to appoint as Mutesellim orgovernor on^y a native Arab, who is nominated from oneof four rival families. In the bloody struggles which nowtook place among these factions the Samaritans were be-tween the upper and nether millstone, and their sorry condi-tion was aggravated by the Syrian wars of Mohammed AHof Egypt, with or against whom the rival parties took sides.That remarkable mans son and general, Ibrahim, tookNablus by the sword in 1832, but found it impossible to re-press the defiant Arabs. According to the Chronicle Adler,the Samaritans shared in the relief which Egyptian rule s Mills, Nablus, 279. 68 A^. et E. 126. ■ Ibid., 157, 161. 58 In Rogers, Notices of the Modern Samaritans, 1855. Text Appearing After Image: c ►J< c << c/, m oo < 13 c 3 X fc ca UNDER ISLAM 141 brought to the inhabitants of Syria, a statement corrobo-rated by Shelabys notice that in 1832 the sect again renewedits pilgrimage to Gerizim. In 1841 a conspiracy wasformed to murder all the Samaritans; their enemies werenot appeased with the gift of the Samaritan wealth, andShelaby gives credit to the chief rabbi of the Jewish com-munity in Jerusalem for issuing a certificate that theSamaritan people is a branch of the Children of Israel, whoacknowledge the truth of the Tora. This generous testi-monial satisfied the fanatical Muslims, because it showedthat the Samaritans had a right to Islams protection ex-tended to the Peoples of the Book.^^ The persecutionsinduced the community to address an appeal in 1842 to theFrench government, composed in a Hebrew and an Arabicdocument; but for purposes of state, Louis Philippe did noteven publish the documents, and they were not brought tolight until some years later.^^ Accor Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: Jacob esh-Shelaby and General Wilson
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