Archivo: The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics (1905) (14586483270)
Descripción: Identifier: bostoncookingsch19hill_4 (find matches) Title: The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Hill, Janet McKenzie, 1852-1933, ed Boston Cooking School (Boston, Mass.) Subjects: Home economics Cooking Publisher: Boston : Boston Cooking-School Magazine Contributing Library: Boston Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Public Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: it the very best present he re-ceived. The last suggestion is for the one,whoever he or she may be, to whom younever know just what to give. Whenwe ask our Tom what present heenjoys most, he always says, Mrs.Prossers pie. Mrs. Prosser is a dearold lady who, every Christmas, makesdozens of mince pies, and sends them inspicy showers to all her friends. Ahint to the wise. Every woman shouldcount as her chief accomplishment the ability to make at least one especiallynice thing to eat. Cake, candy, saltednuts, pickle, or marmalade, it does notmatter so much what it is, if only it hasbecome an art as well as a science. AtChristmas time this is her last resort.The friend who already has a surfeit ofthings more costly than she can affordto buy, the man who never seems towant anything, the already too-giftedsmall boy, each and every one will ap-preciate the dainty parcel that does nothave to be hung nor set nor packed away,but appeals directly to a primal in-stinct and fills a long-felt want. Text Appearing After Image: Pillow-sham of Embroidered Handkerchiefs December By Judith Giddings Holly at the window-pane,Fields snowy white, Merry bells a-tinkling,Stars shining bright. All the world a-smiling, Good-will to spare,Gracious thoughts and generous thoughts, Christmas in the air! Suggestions for Christmas 2 17 Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics (1905) (14586483270)
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