Archivo: The Americana; a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world (1908) (14765433345)

Description: Identifier: americanaunivers08newy (find matches) Title: The Americana; a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Encyclopedias and dictionaries Publisher: New York : Scientific American Compiling Dept. Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: School for Feeble-Minded, Fort Wa>Tie. inmates 318, per capita cost$127.05. The correctional institutions are theState Prison, Michigan City, inmates 796. percapita cost $133.32, earnings $53.,395-86: IndianaReformatory, JcfFcrsonville, inmates 923. percapita cost $130.68, earnings $62.350.67; ReformSchool for Boys. Plainfield. inmates 531. percapita cost $122.13, earnings $298.91 : IndustrialSchool for Girls and Womens Prison. Indian-apolis, inmates 52 women and 175 girls, percapita cost $101.55, earnings $1,436.69. .^t thelegislative session of 1903 a law was passed forthe division of the last named institution andthe establishment of a new Industrial School forGirls. The State has the convict-contract-laborsystem, but efforts have been made to abolishit, and the legislature of 1903 provided for acommission to investigate and report on thesubject. The convict labor is all done withinthe prisons. The State has the indeterminatesientence system with commutation of time for INDIANA. Text Appearing After Image: INDIANA good behavior. In addition to the State institu-tions each county maintains a poor asylum. Inthese, and tlie Alarion County asylum for theincurable insane, tliere were on 31 Aug. igo2,3,046 inmates, of whom 1.975 were men and1,071 women. Of thase inmates 518 were classedas insane, and 889 as feeble-minded. There arein the State 46 orphans homes, in which therewere on 31 Oct. 1902, 1,565 inmates, of whom1.025 were boys and 540 girls. At the same datethe Board of State Charities reported 811 orphanchildren maintained in private hoines, withoutpublic expense. State Government.— The elective State officesare held for periods of 2 years, with eligibilityrestricted to 4 years in any period of 6 years,except as to the governor, lieutenant-governor,and geologist, whose terms are 4 years. No oneis eligible to the office of governor or lieutenant-governor for more than 4 years in any period of8 years. The governors salary is $5,000, withan allowance of $1,800 for house rent. Thegovern Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The Americana; a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world (1908) (14765433345)
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Author: Internet Archive Book Images
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