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Archivo: SphericalCow2

Enciclopedia para niños
SphericalCow2.gif(200 × 231 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 24 KB; tipo MIME: image/gif)

Description: Humorous illustration of science abstraction en:Spherical cow jumping over the moon.
Title: SphericalCow2
Credit: The image was created by Ingrid Kallick for the program cover of the 1996 annual meeting of the American Astronomical Association. An earlier version was created for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The artist gave permission for use to the University of Wisconsin Department of Astronomy. The STScI subsequently used the image.
Author: Ingrid Kallick (
Permission: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS 5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work. Such reporting should be sent to
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No

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