Archivo: Siarnaq Cassini color composite
Descripción: Three Cassini images of Siarnaq moving through constellation Lupus at a distance of 22 million kilometers during orbit 200. The images were calibrated, 3x zoomed, and cropped; the background stars were co-registered, the numerous cosmic ray hits in the original images were removed. Observation times (UTC): 30 Dec 2013 12:23 (red channel), 12:33 (green), 12:43 (blue).
Título: Siarnaq Cassini color composite
Créditos: Raw images are from the SETI Institute's OPUS site, which is part of the Ring-Moon Systems Node of NASA's Planetary Data System
Autor(a): Tilmann Denk/NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No
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