Archivo: Room for One More cast
![Room for One More cast](/images/thumb/9/95/Room_for_One_More_cast.jpg/751px-Room_for_One_More_cast.jpg)
Descripción: Photo of the cast of the television series Room for One More. From left: Peggy McCoy, Ronnie Dapo, Carol Nicholson, Andrew Duggan and Tramp, Tim Rooney and Ahna Capri. The item has no copyright markings on it as can be seen in the links above. United States Copyright Office page 2 "Visually Perceptible Copies The notice for visually perceptible copies should contain all three elements described below. They should appear together or in close proximity on the copies.1 The symbol © (letter C in a circle); the word “Copyright”; or the abbreviation “Copr.” 2 The year of first publication. If the work is a derivative work or a compilation incorporating previously published material, the year date of first publication of the derivative work or compilation is sufficient. Examples of derivative works are translations or dramatizations; an example of a compilation is an anthology. The year may be omitted when a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work, with accompanying textual matter, if any, is reproduced in or on greeting cards, postcards, stationery, jewelry, dolls, toys, or useful articles. 3 The name of the copyright owner, an abbreviation by which the name can be recognized, or a generally known alternative designation of owner.1 Example © 2007 Jane Doe.")
Título: Room for One More cast
Créditos: Original text : eBay front back archived links)
Autor(a): Warner Bros Studios
Permiso: Pre-1978 no mark
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No
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