Archivo: PeterW zt 5
Descripción: This picture was frame 7 of File:PeterW_zt.gif, but without text (384x256 pixels). The newly created version is UHD-2 (8K, more pixels). focal length: 1938 pixels projection: equidistant About File:PeterW_zt.gif: several mapping functions Simple bitmaps of single parts on PC created (surroundings as spherical panorama, tunnel floor as identic surface, tunnel wall as cylindrical projection). With a selfmade program the single parts were transformated to the several destination projection types
Título: PeterW zt 5
Créditos: via en:File:PeterW zt.gif Este archivo deriva de: PeterW zt.gif:
Autor(a): Peter Wieden
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC-BY-SA-3.0
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