Archivo: Mrs. Seely's cook book; a manual of French and American cookery, with chapters on domestic servants, their rights and duties and many other details of household management (1902) (14580740748)

Descripción: Charlotte russe. Identifier: mrsseelyscookboo00seel (find matches) Title: Mrs. Seely's cook book; a manual of French and American cookery, with chapters on domestic servants, their rights and duties and many other details of household management Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Seely, Lida, 1854-1928 Subjects: Cookery, American Domestics cbk Publisher: New York : Macmillan Co. Contributing Library: Boston Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Public Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: set it away until it is slightly thick, and mix itwith a pint and a half of whipped cream. Pour into the char-lotte mould, cover the top with paper, and set on the ice for anhour or more. When ready to serve, invert on a dish. Havea cover for the top made of the ladys finger pastry, decorate itwith icing, and, if desired, candied cherries, etc. Charlotte RusseDissolve a fourth of a package, or two teaspoons, of gelatinein a fourth of a cup of cold water, and add it to half a pint ofmilk heated and three-quarters of a cup of sugar. Whip halfa pint of rich cream, add to the gelatine and sugar, and stir inlater the beaten whites of the eggs. Flavor with vanilla. Charlotte a la Parisienne Cut horizontally, in half-inch slices, a sponge cake, andcover each slice with a different kind of preserve. Pile theslices in their original form, and spread over the whole cake astiff icing. One kind of preserve, instead of several, may beused for this charlotte, and pound cake instead of sponge cake. Text Appearing After Image: CHARLOTTE KUSSE. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: Mrs. Seely's cook book; a manual of French and American cookery, with chapters on domestic servants, their rights and duties and many other details of household management (1902) (14580740748)
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Autor(a): Internet Archive Book Images
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