Archivo: Mazes and labyrinths; a general account of their history and developments (1922) (14784601135)

Descripción: Identifier: mazeslabyrinthsg1922matt (find matches) Title: Mazes and labyrinths; a general account of their history and developments Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: Matthews, William Henry, 1882- Subjects: Labyrinths Publisher: London, New York, etc. Longmans, Green Contributing Library: Boston College Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: at between Theseus and the Minotaur, within aframed square, the remainder of the mosaic consistingof a complicated interlaced meander representing thelabyrinth. In Fig. 35 is reproduced from A. de CaumontsAbecedaire dArcheologie a rough sketch of theRoman baths at Verdes (Loir-et-Cher), showing a pave-ment with a labyrinth mosaic, A pavement found in 1830 at Cormerod, in the Can-ton of Friburg, Switzerland, is shown in Fig. 36. A fewyears afterwards another was brought to light in theneighbouring Canton of Vaud, from beneath the ruinsof the ancient town of Orbe. A splendid mosaic labyrinth of Roman times wasfound some forty or fifty years ago on a family tomb inthe ancient necropolis of Susa, Tunis (Hadrurnetum). Itwas afterwards destroyed by looters, but a careful drawingof it was fortunately made on its first discovery (Fig. 37).The whole mosaic measured about seventeen feet byten, and contained a very finely executed labyrinth offour paths, like the Harpham and Caerleon examples 48 Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 34. Mosaic at Caerleon, Mon. (O Morgan, in Proc. Mon.and Caerleon Ant. Assn, 1866) Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: Mazes and labyrinths; a general account of their history and developments (1922) (14784601135)
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