Archivo: Indya Moore
Descripción: La actriz Indya Moore English: Just four short years ago, "Pose" was a program that executives, studios and networks weren't interested in producing, according to Steven Canals, co-creator, in this Peabody Conversation. Joined by writer/producer Our Lady J and cast members Indya Moore and Mj Rodgriquez, the team discusses why the groundbreaking program strikes a chord. Peabody Awards honored the first season of the FX series for "doing as much important representational work and storytelling in its quieter moments as on the ballroom floor."
Título: Indya Moore
Créditos: Screenshot from vimeo
Autor(a): Peabody Awards
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 3.0
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