Archivo: Harald Hirschsprung government photo cropped
Descripción: Harald Hirschsprung, for whom Hirschsprung's disease is named
Título: Harald Hirschsprung government photo cropped
Créditos: The Royal Danish Library. I losslessly cropped the image from their website with the command jpegtran -crop 1150x1300+224+352 to remove copyrighted elements and make the picture more aesthetically pleasing.
Autor(a): Jens and Charles Bendix Petersen. The caption on the photo says (in Danish) "Royal Court Photographer".
Permiso: Jens Petersen died in 1905, Charles Bendix Petersen died in 1927, and Harald Hirschsprung himself died in 1916, so 70 years have certainly passed from the death of the copyright holder.
Términos de Uso: Dominio Público
Licencia: Dominio Público
¿Se exige la atribución?: No
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