Archivo: Festival procession in Reykjavik
Descripción: The festival procession in Reykjavik on 17 June, the National Day of Iceland, 2007 The Reykjavik procession is headed by two motorized policemen and then two policemen in dress uniforms after which follows the flag procession (fánaborg) of the Scouts and then the Reykjavík Marching Band. After the band the procession of people follows. The procession is usually organised from Hlemmur, down Laugavegur, the main shopping street to the city center on Laekjartorg.
Título: Festival procession in Reykjavik
Créditos: Trabajo propio
Autor(a): Akigka
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC-BY-SA-3.0
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