Archivo: Dancing with Helen Moller; her own statement of her philosophy and practice and teaching formed upon the classic Greek model, and adapted to meet the aesthetic and hygienic needs of to-day, with (14784705065)

Description: Identifier: dancinghelenmoll00moll (find matches) Title: Dancing with Helen Moller; her own statement of her philosophy and practice and teaching formed upon the classic Greek model, and adapted to meet the aesthetic and hygienic needs of to-day, with forty-three full page art plates; Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Moller, Helen Dunham, Curtis Subjects: Dance Dance Publisher: New York : John Lane company London, John Lane Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: -don to the ball of the great toe, forced outward to form agrotesque right angle to their natural position—a tortur-ing and injurious strain to the whole extremity to theheight of the knee and a positive menace to the generalhealth. Nature designed every part of our bodies for use,and it is use in a natural manner that sustains health andvitality. In our revival of the dancing ideal which con-forms to this law the feet and lower limbs are no moreimportant than are other members of the body, exceptthat they bear the burden of the bodys weight. Thearms, the hands, the chest, the neck, the head—all areemployed at every moment, and never singly nor arbi-trarily. The chest is expanded, the droop taken out of Ninety-one Arms outstretched, and raised together, in movements which avoid unaes-thetic angles, even in the energetic action shovvn on the left. The open,raised bust in the large figure illustrates the hygienic value of adhering tothe heart centre of £dl true physical expression. Text Appearing After Image: Our Contribution to Health the shoulders; and with the raising of the chest in ex-pansion the abdomen is automatically drawn in and heldin place by the revitalized and strengthened broad liga-ment—^and all fatiguing pressure is ^aken off the sensi-tive lower part of the back, where those delicate and im-portant organs, the kidneys, are located. Health: A sound mind in a sound body. Hy-geia was its goddess. The more we dwell upon the sub-ject the more we are inclined to believe that Hygeia musthave been the tutor of Terpsichore, as well as her sisterdeity! In a previous chapter dealing with the unhygienictyranny of conventional clothing we have quoted someadmirable conclusions by Lieutenant Mueller, the cele-brated physical expert of the Danish Army whose adviceand personal training has been sought by many famousmen and women. Perhaps with deeper insight and widerexperience than are manifested by any other livingauthority. Lieutenant Mueller seems perfectly to actual-ize that axiom o Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Dancing with Helen Moller; her own statement of her philosophy and practice and teaching formed upon the classic Greek model, and adapted to meet the aesthetic and hygienic needs of to-day, with (14784705065)
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Author: Internet Archive Book Images
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