Archivo: A history of the earthquake and fire in San Francisco; an account of the disaster of April 18, 1906 and its immediate results (1906) (14579979208)
![A history of the earthquake and fire in San Francisco; an account of the disaster of April 18, 1906 and its immediate results (1906) (14579979208)](/images/thumb/8/85/A_history_of_the_earthquake_and_fire_in_San_Francisco%3B_an_account_of_the_disaster_of_April_18%2C_1906_and_its_immediate_results_%281906%29_%2814579979208%29.jpg/800px-A_history_of_the_earthquake_and_fire_in_San_Francisco%3B_an_account_of_the_disaster_of_April_18%2C_1906_and_its_immediate_results_%281906%29_%2814579979208%29.jpg)
Descripción: Identifier: historyofearthqu00aitk (find matches) Title: A history of the earthquake and fire in San Francisco; an account of the disaster of April 18, 1906 and its immediate results Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Aitken, Frank W Hilton, Edward Subjects: Earthquakes -- California San Francisco Publisher: San Francisco, The E. Hilton Co. Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: covering the burned district with substantialstructures was well under way. Permanent build-ings costing many millions had been started, in-cluding many of steel frame construction, and re-enforced concrete. The work which had been solong delayed by insurance troubles, and by impera-tive need of some immediate provision for the re-sumption of business, was begun in earnest. In afew years the citys new downtown district will befar better than the old would have become in adecade. The new city that is being erected in the burneddistrict will be fire-proof in the sense that any re-gion covered with brick and steel buildings, with-out many wooden ones, is fire-proof; no great fire islikely to start in it, and any that starts should beeasily conquered. It will have more protection, how-ever, than that afforded by the ordinance relativeto fire limits; there will be window protection andsprinklers and tanks, and here and there really fire-resistive buildings—buildings as nearly fire-proof Text Appearing After Image: THE NEW SAN FRANCISCO as any can be made. There will be no large woodenbuildings downtown, and not many such eitherlarge or small; as long as the temporary struc-tures last there will be some, but they will be fewand scattered. In the matter of fire-fighting, too, there will bea great improvement; for it is almost certain thata system of salt water mains and high pressurepumping stations will be established. With an in-exhaustible supply of water thus made availablethere should be no fear of any fire that can getstarted. It is expected that such a system will beinstalled early in 1907, for the protection of thestores on Van Ness avenue and Fillmore street. In the new city it is evident that there will besome shifting of business centers. The fire hashastened changes that would otherwise have comeslowly, and brought about a better adjustment. The change made by the wholesalers has al-ready been mentioned in connection with the gen-eral resumption of business. When everythingcame by ste Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Título: A history of the earthquake and fire in San Francisco; an account of the disaster of April 18, 1906 and its immediate results (1906) (14579979208)
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